Friday 1 July 2011

Awkward giraffe makes a comeback :)

Right :)
Hello people :)
Now lets start with the fact I've not blogged in ages.
I mean like AGES.
There are many complected reasons for this.
Non of which involve me saving the world *shifty eyes*
*cough* NAAAAAAAAAA *cough* (Lolrex and Salmonbear that one was for you ;) :P ... even though I just realised Salmonbear doesn't read this)
So why am I blogging now I hear you shout.
Well its more of a faint whisper really cause tbf there aren't many of you reading this.
Well the first reason is lolrex wants me to and I wish to stay at the top of her list :P
And if you don't understand that it's one of our many random conversations/stories in the sanatorium we also call college.
They're gonna be lots of them in my blog cause they are 'mazing.
I love you guys in noob.
Just sayin' :)
Anyways another reason is it is infinitely better than doing my maths coursework
Newton-Raphson can wait dear reader :)
LOL thats irony cause it uses tangents and I go off on them.
Gotta love irony.
Like the word lisp having a s sound :P
Oh Em Gee I just typed the title for this blog and realised how awkward the word awkward is.
Especially that K.
Just stuck stood awkwardly between two W's.
Like a third wheel.
*does my third wheel hand movement*
That poor K.
I feel your pain K its gonna be rite.
And that little tangent takes me towards the subject of this blog.
My personal lexicon :)
Lets start with the word spork
Well obviously this is an actual word meaning a piece of cutlery that is half spoon and half fork that is great when you go camping :)
But I don't use it in that context.
Mine is more as an insult
It means a silly person.
It comes from the fact that I don't swear (as do a fair few of my quirky words)
I don't swear as I'd end up swearing in front of the rents and they would no likey that.
And also I dislike offending people.
So instead I call people sporks :)
Especially when they show lots of sporkish bethoviour.
Looking at no one in particular
(I'm just messing with ya Whewell :P)
Anyways I also like the plosive P sound as its nice to shout when your a tad annoyed.
Now i can't exactly remember but I think it was first said when I was having one of my funny days.
Those days when I will just sit chat shiz and giggle at anything.
Especially cats.
I'm having one today.
Thehehe a Cat :D
So on these "I've lost it" days I will have just come out with it
Like this...
you... You... YOU SPORK!!!
Now on to fudge and its many variations such as fudge cakes.
Now this is used in my case to replace the F word.
It comes in many phrases such as...
Oh fudge cakes (translates to Oh f***)
For fudge sake (for f*** sake)
What the fudge (what the f***)
Fudge off/you (f*** off/you)
And apparently that's a cute thing to do.
Now let me just make a point...


I'm constantly having to argue this point in college cause apparently I have several "cute" traits.
And i make it worse by stropping/ stamping my feet when people say tat.
And letting lolrex's boy put my hair in two pony tails.
And pouting.
But I'm not cute cause I'm a ninja and ninjas aren't cute.
And that's reminded me Whewell is on 4.
I would explain but it doesn't matter reader it doesn't matter.
Anyway back to my words.
And I'm having a major mind blank :/
Well these aren't my words but I do pronouns tool and idiot unusually.
Tool is said like TO-EL
And Idiot is like Ee-D-Yot
These are said like this when there insults.
This blog seems to make it sound like I insult people a lot.
I only do when they deserve it.
Which with my friends is rather often
Anyway... I use the word rite a lot too.
Like be rite (it will be OK)
And its rite (its fine)
Cause I'm cool like that :)
Oh and btw if you hadn't already noticed (but you'd have to be pretty unobservational) I do just type as I think.
I just let it flowwwww.
Like creative juices pouring outta my head and onto the keyboard.
But not actual juice cause that tends to fudge up a computer.
They hate juice.
Tea on the other hand they loves.
Muchly :)
Anyways that's the reason for the disorganisedness of my blogs.
Plus I'm special.
Well the official terms dyslexic tendencies but I'll stick with special.
So well done for getting this far through the web of blog threads.
Like branches criss crossing everywhere in a jungle.
You force your way through the jungle and past sextiger (yeah that's another college thing)
And you've reached a clearing in the jungle.
Its called the end of the blog :)
Ttfn readers :)
Thanks for reading :) xxx

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