Wednesday 20 July 2011

Music and a quiz :)

Hello again :)
It's me (i know shocking isn't it)
Its post time again
In case you hadn't all ready guessed
And this post has two parts :)
The first is about me and my music
Music is a really big part of my life
I listen to it loads every single day
It has the power to trigger a memory and change a mood
So i thought i would create a little post based around it :)
I'm gonna put my mp3 player on shuffle and write about the first three songs that come on :)

Song 1:Friends o' Mine by Bowling for Soup

I love BFS :D
They are my favourite band
Ive seen them twice
And I'm seeing them again in 99 days :)
Not like I'm counting or anything
I have a wristband that i bought at the last gig that i wear practically all the time
Even in bed
And it GLOWS in the DARK
Yes its that freakin' cool :)
But it can be distracting when I'm trying to sleep
Me being all distractble and all :P
BFS are all awesome
I named my flute Jaret and my music stand Chris because of them :)
I'm planning to get a BFS tattoo when I'm old enough
Its gonna have BFS at the top then bellow that a unicorn thing that's on one of there merch tees I have and gonna say "shut up and smile" at the bottom as that's one of my favourite song by them :)
Just thought you needed to know dear reader
Their music means that much to me
And in particular this song is quite appropriate atm
I'm missing college and my other friends
I know that shocking but my friends are just too amazing at times
There always there when I need them
And they make me chuckle muchly :)
Even if they do call me cute
I STILL love them :)
So indeed I am "so glad that i have these friends o' mine"

Song 2:Russian Roulette by Riahanna

This song is pure art
Its definitely a beautiful song :)
It reminds me of sitting in the canteen back at Padgate
I think it was on the music channel that was on the TV a lot
And I imagine it world be a really good song to dance too
I would try if had any form of co ordination
Or balance
Or grace
But those are all just technical hitches
I especially love the middle bit of this song with the lyrics
"As my life flashes before my eyes
I’m wondering will I, ever see another sunrise?
So many won’t get the chance to say goodbye
But it’s too late to think of the value of my life"
I don't know why i just do :)

Song 3:Do You Want Me (Dead) by All Time Low

All time low are BABES :D
I would!!!
I have been known to lick phones before cause they contained pictures of said babes
Yes I'm that normal :)
That reminds me there was a poster of Alex Gaskarth in Kerrang which I bought today :)
Major babification :)
I love ATL's music cause it does tend to cheer me up a lot :)
I blast them out when I'm in a mehh mood and suddenly happy Hannah re arrives
Makes me sing along
Which is really good in my bedroom
Not so good when I'm walking to college down a busy road and past a primary school
Doesn't half get ya some funny looks

And now on to the next part :)
The Quiz!!
Now here's how it works
You readers
Answer the questions bellow
Try not to answer using single words as that just gets boring
You can answer all or just some of them :)
Then email me your answers (to
Get them in by the 28th July :)
So that's just over a week
And ill put them all in a post and pick my favourites from the entries:)
Like Lolrex did :)
And so the questions are....
  1. What name do you wanna go by on this?
  2. Whats your favourite kind of triangle?
  3. If you were an x-men character who would you be and why?
  4. Do you have an Angus? If yes describe him if no why not?
  5. Am I cute?
  6. Facial hair. Yay or Nay?
  7. Whats your superhero/ villain persona?
  8. Can you burp the alphabet?
  9. Whats your opinion on the sitch in Lybia?
  10. How much wood would a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?
  11. Bro's before hoes. Discus.
  12. Do you consider your self a noobian? If yes how and when did you become one and if no what do ya think of them?
  13. Whats the most attractive thing about the person you like at the moment? (you don't have to specify who it is)
  14. Favourite musical artist or band?
  15. Finish this sentence. I'm totally terrified...
  16. Whats your guilty pleasure?
  17. Do you think normality is overrated?
  18. Can you shimee?
  19. If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be and why?
  20. Would you rather be really pale or really hairy?
  21. Describe me in 3 words.

And that's it really :)
Thank you reader :)
Goodbyes :) xxx

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