Friday 29 July 2011

Quiz results :D

Hey there :)
Many thanks for the 5 responses I got :)
Love you guys :)
You are all winners in my book
And get much Hannah love :)
Well now here we go
Here they are the results of the quiz .....

1,What name do you wanna go by on this?
Larry the bringer of quiche
Charlie :3
ummm, Desmond the moon bear :D

The point for this question goes to Larry the bringer of quiche. I wasn’t going to give a point for this question but then I saw the word quiche. What can I say I really like quiche.

2,Whats your favourite kind of triangle?
Isosceles. I like that they have ONE line of symmetry, the best number of lines of symmetry. It’s why I don’t like equilateral triangles. They’re so dumb. It’s like, for fuck’s sake! STOP BEING SO SELFISH AND HAVING THREE LINES OF SYMMETRY. And then you don’t even know if you’re talking to their head or their bum because they’re equilateral so there’s no way to tell! And then you realise they’re a triangle so they don’t even HAVE a head or a bum!
The triangular kind
Isosceles, so that i may laugh at the fools who misspell it
Equilateral, cuz all of the angles are 60 :L
Kitten??? :3

1 point for LOLREX cause that is a rant and a half which makes perfect logical sense to me :P though i do also like Charlie’s logic so she gets half a point (its my quiz i can score it however the fudge I like) Larry the bringer of quiche loses half a point cause he laughs at people who cant spell and I cant spell. Mwhahahaha :P

3,If you were an x-men character who would you be and why?
I’d be Dr. Jean Grey or ‘Marvel Girl’ because Wolverine loves her.
Male version of Storm, cause i would like to control the weather
Mystique, as i could look like myself, but with some...*cough* bonuses*cough*
Umm...Wolverine, cuz then lolrex will have my babies XD
Toad :D cause he is like jummy and happy and funs and parties :3

1 point to Charlie cause I had the same idea :P half a point for Larry bringer of quiche for making me lol

4,Do you have an Angus? If yes describe him if no why not?
Yes, he’s currently black and made of flannel.
I didnt have an angus, but i had a leopard teddy(called leopardy :3) who would protect me from vegetables
Angus as in an angus beef burger? No...but im hungry now :P
Whats an angus

1 point for LOLREX for being cool enough to have an angus (for anyone who is confused look at and hopefully it will all make sense :D ) Larry the bringer of quiche gets half a point as that is quite cute :P

5,Am I cute?
Ridiculously so.
Im not calling you cute, (she ball flicks me when i do) my crotch is already the same as action mans because of you
No, not at all ;) *ass kissing commences* :P
By answering this question I am causing another question and to why i believe the answer to that question to be correct therefore causing a chain of events to tear a hole in time and space causing the universe to collapes, now, do you really want me to answer :3

Half a point each for Larry bringer of quiche, Desmond the moon bear and Charlie because they didn't call me cute. As I said earlier its my quiz so its my points system :P

6,Facial hair. Yay or Nay?
Okay, I don’t know what this means. If this is you asking if you should grow some, no. Don’t. But I like stubbly men.
Yay, but only when it looks sexy, or you can stroke it when youre thinking
Yay, but only if it suits them :/
Nay, Yay I mean Nay

A point for Adam and Desmond the moon bear as i have a rather large dislike for facial hair and it scares me muchly.

7,Whats your superhero/ villain persona?
Well. Originally I was RAPE TIGER but now I’m LigerLady.
Anti-Hero (Does good things my own way)
His name is salmon boy, and he fights all evil in slow mountain streams
I'd be catwoman because she's hottt ;P
ummmm, fluffy the super kitten of dooooom!! :3

A point for LOLREX just cause NAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA :P half a point for Adam cause i really likes that idea and also half a point for Desmond the moon bear as i involves the word fluffy and talks about kittens. Nuff said :P Larry the bringer of quiche loses half a point as that's too like salmon bear for my liking.

8,Can you burp the alphabet?
I can’t burp on demand. Sometimes, when I’m ill I burp. But, sometimes when I’m ill and I go to burp, I actually sound like a baby dinosaur.
Yes although i struggle at W
I won a talent show as a child due to that ability no joke
Yes, if you give me a glass of water XD
I can in my mind O.o

Half a point for Adam, Larry bringer of quiche and Charlie for sharing my talent so I no longer feel like a wierdo. Well I still do but a little less now :P

9,Whats your opinion on the sitch in Lybia?
As in, the species of crab?
No comment, its their problem
(wtf the last question was about burping the alphabet) i think gadaffi is a bumface
Lybia? Don't you mean labia? ;) heheh
Whats that :P

One point for Larry bringer of quiche for saying what I'm thinking. Indeed Gadaffi is a bumface :)

10,How much wood would a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?
A would chuck would chuck as much wood as a wood chuck could chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood.
3 trees and a walking stick's worth
A wood chuck would chuck as much wood as a wood chuck could, if wood chucks could chuck wood
Enough for the woodchuck to be able to feed his family, of courseee :P
As much wood as a wood would chucker could chuck if a would chucker could chuck wood and lond as their is enough wood to chuck :)

Adam and Charlie get half a point for giving answers that I actually understand. The other answers may as well be in German cause I don't have the foggist what there on about :S

11,Bro's before hoes. Discus.
I’m sorry, I know you have spelling troubles.
You mean discuss, darling.
As I would be considered a ‘hoe’ over a ‘bro’ because of my dancer, I think it’s crap. Hoes first. And the whole sisters before misters. It depends entirely on the sisters and the misters and the bros and the hoes.
Depends on the situation
Is this for twelve marks? bro's before hoe's, but if the bro is a hoe, then youre life is awesome :3
Lol...just lol :L
*Discuss :) Bro's = Male Hoes = suck Male therefore Hoes suck Bro's ;)

Adam gets half a point for giving me a proper answer that oi understand :) I was tempted to take away points for pointing out my spelling error but then i realised ima fail.

12,Do you consider your self a noobian? If yes how and when did you become one and if no what do ya think of them?
Yeah, I’m a Noobian. But I prefer the term ‘Noobite’ because it has the world bite in it. Since like… just before I got with Boyfriend? So December maybe?
Yes, when i realised i was a huge gaming nerd
I think i was the l6's first noobian, and it has made me 20% cooler btw i made awkward giraffe a noobian
Yes! I am a noobian! ;3 And I love all of my fellow noobians :)

*insert apropriate answer* tehehe, i said insert ;)

One point to Larry bringer of quiche as what he said is true :) he is the reason i am a noobian :) Desmond the moon bear gets half a point for making me chuckle muchly :) hehehe insert :P

13,Whats the most attractive thing about the person you like at the moment? (you don't have to specify who it is)
Ahaaaaa, he looks like TARZAN :D
Their childlike personality....that sounds really pervy doesnt it :P
Their smile :3
ummmm, i donts like anyone at the moment?? O.o

Charlie gets a point as that is one thing that i always find attractive in others :) shes on my wavelength :)

14,Favourite musical artist or band?
I like the Killers, RHCP, Bowling for Soup, Eagles, R.E.M….
Seventh Wonder
The smashing pumpkins
I love all musics...but if i had to choose it would be nickleback or rihanna or jessie J :)

I'm gonna give half a point each to LOLREX and Desmond the moon bear cause they said bowling for soup and I love bowling for soup :)

15,Finish this sentence. I'm totally terrified...
That one day I’ll wake up with a tiny penis growing from my armpit.
I'm totally terrified of clowns. they scare the crap out of me
...of hollyoaks
because the ninjas are everywhereeee *twitches*
I'm totally terrified of blue cheese

Im gonna give half a point to LOLREX for making me chuckle and half to Charlie because as we all know I am a ninja :P :)

16,Whats your guilty pleasure?
Ahaaaaaa… Trying to think of something slightly more innocent than my initial reaction. Sims and Big Bang Theory.
Listening to Acapella songs
butter, seriously i coat EVERYTHING in it
Cheesecake.... *drooooools*

ummmm *shifty eyes* telling you would threaten the health and safty of the government :)

Im gonna give a point to Adam as I too apreciate acapella songs :D and half a point for LOLREX for having a dirty mind like me :P and also half to Desmond the moon bear purely for the use of shifty eyes :P :)

17,Do you think normality is overrated?

I wouldn’t know.
why be normal when you can be not normal. way more fun I think being normal is way too mainstream
Totally, I mean being normal just isn't fun at all!
yeah, totally :3 wierd is different and different is special and special means awesome :D

Im gonna give a point to Desmond the moon bear for summing up the awesomeness of being diferrent :D

18,Can you shimee?

IT WOULD APPEAR that I’m the only one who can ;) JK, yeah :D
No and i dont intend to try
No but i can jazz hands
Oh yes ;)
yes?? :P

Im gonna give a point to LOLREX for reminding me of the funny times trying to teach me to shimee :P and half a point to Adam cause the mental image of him shimeeing i have is actual LMAO material :P

19, If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be and why?
I’d be skinnier and more punctual with my blog posts. Though, nothing makes you lose weight quickly like sicking up your guts for three days ;D
My face so i didnt look Mexican
Gills, so that i could go deep sea tresure hunting
I'd love to be a little more patient...but thats all I would change :)
everything cause then I could be a dinosaur and eats everyone, if not that, then, ummmm, my height, i wanna be taller :)

Half a point each for Larry bringer of quiche and Desmond the moon bear as gills and being taller are two things id quite like to have :)

20,Would you rather be really pale or really hairy?

I’m ALREADY really pale D: Though I do have a 2cm L-Shaped strip of tan on my booby. So, if it was just for the day, I’d be really hairy like Hank McCoy and hopefully blue like him too. But, if it was permanent, I’d stick to my pale self.
Im medium of both, so thats cool with me :3
Really pale, I find pale people very attractive :P

hairy, cause i can shave off hair

Im gonna give the point to Charlie as being quite pale I like to think there is someone that find us type attractive :) and half a point to LOLREX for the information of her body tanage :P

21, Describe me in 3 words.
CUTE (wheyyyy) & Battlestar Fantastica.
Bubbly, Fun, Not-normal
Cant count

Absolutely not cute ;):P

awesomeness bfs lover :D

Right im gonna give a point to Adam the nice desciption :) Charlie gets half a point for saying im not cute and Desmond the moon bear gets half for mentioning bfs :) larry bringer of quiche gets half for making me chuckle and LOLREX loses half for saying im cute :P wheyyyyyy :P

That took a supprising amount of effort considering it took little actuall writing on my part :/ :P
Now to work out the scores....
Give me a minute...
Ok the results...
*dramatic music*

In 5th place with 5 points its Larry the bringer of quiche
In joint 2nd place with 5 1/2 points its LOLREX, Adam and Desomnd the moon bear :)
So in 1st with 6 points is Charlie :D!!!

And now to the prize
Now i put a lotta thought into this
Being a student i have little money to buy one
So what is free but still a good thing to win
I was really stuck for ideas
Whewell suggested i could be the prize but i think there are laws against that
So what was i to do???
Then it hit me....
Metophorically obviously
I didnt actually get thwacked by an idea
Thwack thats a cool word
And how could I get hit by an idea when it doesnt actually exist?
Anyways lets not get sidetracked
Where was i??
Oh the prize!!
The prize is that Charlie can now call me cute and i can argue with it :)
Now everyone lets not be getting ideas
Im not cute
And no one else can get away with saying i am :P :)
Apart from Charlie now

And there it is
Another end to another blog post
Till next ime reader
Goodbyess :) xxx

1 comment:

  1. lol this post got me laughing like mad
    You and Lolrex are my IDOLS!!!!
