Tuesday 5 July 2011


Hello dear reader :)
You may be wondering what the fudge I'm chatting on about in the title.
Well I forgot bum cheeks
And as much as that sounds like an odd statement now it was much worse when I said it aloud in maths last lesson cause I realised that I had.
Definitely got a few odd looks and people thinking my coursework must have been a tad shall we say different.
Had to convince them this was a normal statement before they thought I'd lost it entirely (but lets be honest I never really had it).
I don't now how effective or convincing this explanation was tbf when I stared talking about awkward giraffes and got my turtle out.
And before you ask that's not an innuendo.
This is my awkward turtle and yes I did get him out in maths today
Yesterday we went to Chester Zoo with college so i was bound to buy something cute and cuddly
Its a necessity.
Just realised how depressed he looks in the picture.
Ill have to snuggle him better later.
Anyways Ive digressed form my point that I forgot bum cheeks.
Now let me explain.
In my last post I wrote about my personal lexicon.
So basically all the words I uses.
If you not read it already go now and come back when your done.
OK, as I've said I forgot to include bum cheeks.
A ma-who-sive mistake on my part I know.
Now this phrase replaces many naughty words for example the s or the f one.
And can occur in several contexts.
For example...

Other person:Did you remember to do *insert task here*
Hannah: Oh bum cheeks no I didn't

Or like this...

Hannah:*casually walking along minding her own business when her little toe is viciously attacked by a table (some people say I walk into them but I disagree I think there out to get me cause of my super secret superhero identity *NAAAAAAAAAA* :P if you not a noobian lots of my blogs wont make sense btw... just roll with it)* OOOWWWWW BUM CHEEKS!!!

Its a good phrase to say cause of the plosiveness and single syllable sharpness.
And also I use the word ma-who-sive a lot.
Just scroll back up i used it up there^^
Well in case you didn't realises its my special way of saying massive.
Just sound it out the way I wrote it and your doing it right.
It kinda incorporates huge into it.
Cause of the ho sound.
Its quite difficult to get across my point when its sound based and I'm typing this to you.
But not as difficult as stapling jelly to a wall
That's damn difficult.
But never impossible
Once again I must apologise for the disorganisedness of my blog posts.
Just thought I'd illustrate my point.
Plus Ive not used paint in a while and I don't wanna lose my epic skills
And it looks pretty :)
Two posts in 4 days.
Aren't you guys lucky
Or unlucky depending on your perspective.
I'm hoping this is gonna become a regular occurrence.
In fact I will make you a promise dear reader.
I will blog once a week where possible.
I pinky promise.
Now I just need ideas.
I might do a quiz like lolrex but ill have to ask her first ( and she is such a babe I even put a link to her blog just incase some people haven't read it but be warned its better than mine www.lolrexlol.blogspot.com)
Watch this space peoples.
Thanks for reading :) xxx

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