Friday 11 November 2011

Le Quiz 2.0

Right I'm having le common issue atm
Bloggers blockWhich sounds quite good if you say it
BLoggers BLock
Great plosive sound :)
Try saying it people :P
This is quite annoying as I am never usually lost for words
Apart from when I open the posting windowmegiggy
And yes windowmegiggy is a technical term
Well anyways I've decided to get some audience participation coming in again :)
Now I've done a quiz before
You can find it at the side bar --->
Read it if you haven't :)
But.... Enter le Quiz 2.0
I don't know why but I'm liking me le's atm
Ive gone all french on yo asses
Gonna be whacking out croissants left right and centre before you know it :P
But I digress
So its gonna work like last time with doing a vague points system
But they'll be less questions so I'm expecting developed answers
No one word shiz here pwease
Tahh in advance you babes :)
And yes you are ALL babes :D
Every single one of you
The questions will be bellow and you email me the answers (to
The deadline is the 30th November :)
So you have like 2 and a half weeks :)
Here be le questions....

1, What shall your name be on this quiz?
2, Did you do my last quiz? If yes was it good? If no why ever not?
3, Are you looking forward to Christmas?
4, If you could have one wish what would it be?
5, What is your favourite mammal?
6, Explain what the first thing that comes into your head is when I say... motorcycles
7, What is the most epic superpower?
8, Whats the thing you fear most often?
9, Crisps or Chocolate?
10, If you had to chooses between having an extra finger on both hands or no nose which would you choose?
11, Given your opinion on modern societies opinion on beauty?
12, Where do you see yourself in 20 years?
13, Will it bother you that I am having 13 questions?

Its nearly midnight
I be sleepy
Night night readers :) x

Wednesday 2 November 2011

The post I'm too lazy to think of a name for so well just call it Bob :)

Heyy guys :)
First of all an apology for my lack of blogging for the last few months :/
I'm a very busy awkward giraffe lately ^^
Ive applied to university
Got my first offer today :D
But you don't care about me enough to want to know the detail on that :P
And plus I probably should tell the Internet too much detail about me
I'm blogging now cause I feel guilty
And cause LOLREX just blogged
Check it out peeps :D
I'm cream crackered atm so this wont be a long or particularly good post :/
Went for a jog with the boy today cause I'm trying to be all healthy
Then had fish and chips for tea
And cake
And chocolate
I said anyways a lot
And moving swiftly on
I don't mean I'm moving on I mean i say moving swiftly on a lot too :P
But I don't think that's surprising considering in awkward giraffe
I can talk my way out of any awkward situation :P
And I'm generally socially awkward
I HATE eye contact -.-
And silences -.-
And courgettes but that more of a texture issue than a example of my social awkwardness
I mean its not often you find yourselves having to turn down courgette based hospitality
What I mean was people don't usually offer you courgette in social situations and get offended if you turn them down
Cause if they did I would be screwed
Metaphorically my dear readers :P
Sorry for that :P
Couldn't help myself :P
I think that's a sign
I think it is time for me to stop writing and get back to my chocolate orange :P
It has freaking popping candy in it :D :D :D
Sorry that the thread of this post is even less clear than usual :P
And it stupidly short :/
But hey ho at least you know I'm still here :)
Check out some of my older work if this is your first read its defo better :)
I like July mostestest
I shall try to blog more :)
But I've said that before -.-
TTFN lovelies :D xxx