Friday 18 February 2011

My stupidity and Japan :)

I think I've solved my lack of inspiration issues.
Right, I'm gonna start this blog with a little story of my stupidity.
I went to log in to blog.
Nothing unusual there. Then I came to a slight technical hitch. I couldn't remember my password.
But wait that's not the stupid part.
I clicked the bit to reset my password back by having it sent to my email address.Then it happened. I got excited when i got an email.
WTF brain.
You told the website to send you an email then ACTUALLY got chuffties when you got one.
You sad sad person with a brain that's not in cohesion.
That's my clever word for today. I'm gonna illustrate that cause i can.

My paint skills are getting better even if i do say so myself.
The sad part is I have stupid incidents like this all the time.
For example I was in the pound shop last year and I actually asked how much the glow sticks were.
What a fod slap moment.
And for the uneducated the fod is a colloquial term for ones forehead.
So now one knows.
OK, the observant of you (or just the ones that bothered to read the tittle of this blog) will realise i am now going to talk about Japan.

I <3 Japan.
For several reasons.
One of these is the people are little. The average height for women is 5 foot 2 and men is 5 foot 7 1/2. Now being 5 foot 7 and having height issues (i wanna be taller) Japan is a good place for me. Id be practically giant. This would make me feel good especially when i wear heels. My boyfriend doesn't like it when I do that cause hes already smaller than me but I like it so i do it anyway.
I'm nice like that.
Another reason I like Japan is its cities are all so modern and new and shiny. Now those of you who know me now I am of the easily distracted type. That is partially the reason i blog so infrequently. So Japan being all pretty and robotty etc I would be most amused their. I'd make friends with all the shiny things and stare at the big lightly things.
Cause I'm cool like that.
Furthermore (oh look at me being all clever and connectivy) I also like Japanese food. I love pretty much all food but Japanese has to rank pretty high in my all time favourites. I like sushi, noodles, tempura... i could really go on all night.
Now I'm hungry.
Right back to Japan. I have been doing karate for over 9 years now and in case you didn't know that originated in Japan. Yet another reason I love the place.
Not like I've been.
I want to go as part of my gap year. Spend 6 moths on medical placements over there and get to spend time in FREAKING JAPAN. Like from September 2012 to March 2013.
So yeah.
Blog over.
Why are you still here?
Are yo staking me?
Wierdo :P
Just kidding my readers.
Well not tuned as such since its not like a TV or radio show.
Though I think I should have my own TV show and it would be amazing. Id interview loads of amazing people like Haley Williams and do funny sketches and drama and stuff. Basically I'd give it something for everyone.
But that's I irrelevant for now. Maybe on another blog.
Hmmm *ponders*
See what I said about me being easily distracted.
Goodbye you smexy mofos :D xxx

Friday 4 February 2011

My lack of inspiration blog (in which i fail) xx

Right hello :) sorry for the lack of blogness this week there were 3 reasons...

1) Ive been poorlysick and my brain fails to function when I'm ill as shown in this graph (I like graphs :D)

2) I know whatever I write i will not be as good as amazing Belens blog (your a babe:P)

3) I have had a complete and utter lack of inspiration on what to write about... I'm talking nada... not even a crumb of inspiration.

Then it hit me.... I should blog about inspiration and my lack of :)

Now wait before you go giving me those funny looks i know you were giving your computer screen when you read that. Bare with me for now and read on I will atempt to make it entertaining...

Go on you know you wanna. You might as well your here now anyway :)

Firstly what the fudge cake is inspiration cause if you wanna find something you usually have to know what it is. You cant hunt an animal you've never seen before. You cant actually hold it or buy it in a box. If you could I would get it every week at Tesco but its not in any aisle I've ever seen.

If you look it up in the dictionary it is "stimulation for the human mind to creative thought or to the making of art"

Now that makes me think several things....

A) LOL it says stimulation (i spend every day in college surrounded by male 16-18 year olds leave me and my dirty mind alone)

B) I don't actually think that sentence is grammatically correct and

C) I still don't have a clue what inspiration is or how to find it

So I google it. This is generally what I do if I don't understand something or someone else doesn't. Hence one of my commonly spoken phrases is google it :)

If you google "what is inspiration" you get about 68,300,000 results and that's way too many so next i tried "what is inspiration and how do i get it" and got about 178,000,000 results. Now it doesn't take a genius to work out those numbers aren't going the right way. So i clicked the advance search options button and instantly felt clever. After a good 5 minutes of google jigery pokery i managed to down to 90,800 which i think is a more reasonable number so i started looking at the results. Between the crap that i had managed to find (for example no google I do not want a container gardening for dummies 2nd edition book) i managed to find a website called and me being a logical person I am thought his might help my lack of inspiration.

This site entertained me for a while. There's lots of funny mini articles. I like this one as it made me chuckle :)

After this I sat and decided to work out if i had over come my problem and i came to one grand conclusion...


Crap :/

Maybe next time I will find some inspiration and write a good blog. You'll have to come back to find out

Dern dern dern *dramatic music* :P

TTFN <3>