Friday 21 January 2011


Right... I'm new to this whole blogging thing so sorry if this is craptacular. I do tend to be very good at fails of the epic variety. Especially when it comes to movement, grace and balance. I'm the sort of person who often feels the need to hug the floor.
Yeah you know those are some epic paint skills and your all jealous :P Now where was I... I know... HUGS. I love hugs. End of. Hugs are great. And if you disagree your wrong and you smell bad. Yeah I'm that mature. I would have someone attached to me constantly giving me hugs if that was possible. In fact I think we should use them instead of money. So when I when get world domination and you want something in a shop you just hug the shop assistant. The only issue with this is some people would starve to death cause there hugs are frankly poo and some would get fat cause of all the stuff they could get as their hugs are freakin lush. However this could be a new form of natural selection and get rid of the over population problems in the world. Sounds like a PLAN.. with a capital P L A and N :) xx

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