Sunday 4 December 2011

Dont worry I've not forgotten about you...

Hello readers :)
Now this wont be a long post
Just thought you'd wont to know Ive not forgotten about you and le quiz
I is just a zehr busy giraffe atm
And id totally forgotten how damn long it takes to put together a results post
Its just so much copying and pasting and colour changing ... It make my head hurt
Ive done the first 5 questions now and ima cream crackers
So it will be with you at some point hopefully next week
Do you like how Ive made this post all rainbowfull just cause i love you guys
That looks damn funkyfull when you highlight it
Anyways in the mean time Ive decided to stick a link in here to an awesome website
That shall cure any no blog post related boredom :P
And feel free to browse my previous posts :)
TTFN babes :)

Le Quiz 2.0 Part 2- The Results

Well dear reader here it is
The much anticipated *shifty eyes* results to the quiz 2.0
Its got pretty much the same Make-it-up-as-i-go-along points system as the first one :)
And once again if you don't like it well fudge you
*provocative winkey face*
Well enjoy.....

1, What shall your name be on this quiz?
Lolrexius the great (preferably with a sense of foreboding)
Wewell(‘s wobble but they don't fall down)
Batman Jesus Chance
The Only
The Welshican

Well last time i didn't give points for the first question but this isn't last time is it :P Lolrexius the great gets half a point for the use of brackets and the word foreboding cause I heart it :) I'm half tempted to take half a point off Boyfriend (aka Batman Jesus Chance apparently) because he needs to learn he is NOT Jesus but I will let him off this time. Only cause its him though.

2, Did you do my last quiz? If yes was it good? If no why ever not?
YES. It was good. I particularly liked the bits when it asked my name and whether you’re cute. Sorry this answer isn’t long enough.
It was good, however I'm sad i didn't win, it was an awesome prize that i could have really used XD
Yes, I did complete your last quiz. It was rather awesome, if a little eclectic.
Yes, Yes. Damn those answers could be misinterpreted.

The Welshican
gets half a point for making me actually lol :P and so does The Only as the word eceletic makes me happy for some reason. Ive just realised how strange/weird/crazy someone who reads this without knowing me will think I am. I'm sane I swear ^^

3, Are you looking forward to Christmas?
Yes, and no. Because you said you wanted long answers (ehh ;)) I’m going to weigh up the pros and cons of the upcoming festivities.
- I like getting people presents! Especially when you get them something that’s just PERFECT and you’re like ZOMG and they’re like ZOMG and then the world’s like ZOMG and your blog becomes famous and the world explodes but not really because that would be bad.
- You find out how much people love you by using price comparison websites to work out how much they spent. If it’s homemade they clearly don’t even care.
- Birthdays are fun! Imagine being born on Christmas. Lucky him.
- It’s a holiday where I can avoid red meat without being weird!
- It costs so fucking much and lolrex has a lack of funding at the present (LOL GEDDIT)
- Christmas carols are unnecessarily chirpy. They all talk about the happiness and innocence related to this fantastic virgin birth. None of them mention the fact he DIED. And not even a nice death, like crushed pelvis. He was EXECUTED.
- People didn’t even like Jesus that much.
- People get all grumpy if youre grumpy because some kid threw ice at your face.

How couldnt i be? Sitting home infront of a warm fire,watching christmas movies, and hopefully spending time with the people i love ^^
No as i'll be missing you too muchy
No, I’m looking forward to Yule - I’m a Wiccan.
No, not really. It happens every year so why should we worry about it not coming.

For that FREAKING amazing answer Lolrexicus the great gets a WHOLE point *shockhorror*. I'm so glad I reread that sentence as I originally typed sockhorror and that just sounds like a really low budget horror film so would not have had the desired literary effect. Boyfriend get half a point for being sweet/cute cause I'm easily swayed like dat :P

4, If you could have one wish what would it be?
If I was omnipotent for a day, I’d give myself wings. HUGE eagley angelly wings so I could fly anywhere and stop driving lessons. And then I’d feed some Africans and kill others (if I fed them all, none would die and then they’d suffer from major over-population) and make all governments give out cakes. a million wishes off the table? then in that case for one of my fingers to be a swiss army knife ( preferably the piinkie finger, give it some use for once) you know so that i could always open up a tin of beans, or cut my remaining nails XD
The end of the year not to be so complex
I would wish for the ability to affect probability, with all that that entails.
I would wish for anyone else answering this quiz to have the opposite of what they wanted.

Lolrexicus the great gets half a point as a child i always really wanted to be able to fly. Like I really wanted it loads. Wewell get half a point for shear inventiveness of the idea :) The welshican gets quarter of a point because even though its harsh its funny :P

5, What is your favourite mammal?
MY FAVOURITE MAMMAL ISSSSSS an angry stapler monster. They’re a bit ferocious and you never ever go near them without eye protection, but they’re worth it for those times when you need something stapling.
The whale, because its like “ hell yeah, i confuse you, and make you think im a fish”
Me (human)
My favourite mammal is dear old Homo Sapiens, because I love being human.
The Human Mammal.

Wewell made me lol so he gets half a point :) Lolrexicus the great gets half a point for inventiveness swiftly but loses it again for giving me a new thing to fear :/

6, Explain what the first thing that comes into your head is when I say "motorcycles"
Well, surprisingly, I think about motorcycles.But then I think how boring that is and how much more is expected of me as something of a creative blogger. So then I feel really bad about myself and fall into a temporary state of depression.
Definitely not card games, that would be silly
I’m looking at buying one but I have a feeling that it will result in bankruptcy and/or certain death.
“Look at me and my new Biiiiiiiiike!” THUD.

Lolrexicus the great made me feel sad by being sad cause of the question i asked so ima gonna take away half a point and eat some chocolate ^^ Boyfriend gets half a point for making the epic reference to yugioh abridged :D ( for any of you geeks out there :P )

7, What is the most epic superpower?
Not being depressed by quizzes. And the wing thing, obviously.
The ability to make copies of things. So if someone has a chocolate hobnob, you can just make a hobnob of your own, and om nom nom on that badboy, without feeling guilty and stealing someones biscuit.
Big Penis
My favourite superpower would be gravity control.
Ability stealing. I can steal other powers

Wewell and The Welshican get half a point each cause I happen to think there ideas are pretty epic ^^ especially if you could steal the biscuit power :P *evil laugh*

8, What’s the thing you fear most often?
The penis-armpit thing. *shudders*
Spiders. they give me shivers.
( note to the reader "nothing" is scribbled out :P ) YOU!
I fear being forgotten and my own rational mind.
People who steal other people’s abilities.

Boyfriend gets half a point for correctly fearing me... In fact I believe more people should do it :P Wewell loses half a a point cause the other night i had nightmare about spiders and he has just reminded me of it :/ I'm going to have to spider check the room now -.- The Only also gains half a point cause I too fear being forgotten :S

9, Crisps or Chocolate?
Can I have half-and-half? I like having salt and vinegar mccoys and then some really rich chocolate. But if I had to choose… crisps. I’m actually not that fond of chocolate. Like, I could go without. Easily. I don’t understand the big deal.
Why not both? remember those pringels that were actually chocoloate? i miss them.
Chocolate. It’s way better for you, and it doesn’t (often) cut the roof of my mouth open, unlike crisps.

Wewell gets half a point for reminding me of those epic item of food :D Boyfriend gets half a point cause i miss my blackman (that's not casual racism Mike doesn't mind) and The Only gets half a point too cause I feel sorry for the roof of his mouth :/

10, If you had to chooses between having an extra finger on both hands or no nose which would you choose?
An extra finger. But then I’d have it removed. You can’t really have a nose added, so that would be the easiest. I’d hope that my extra finger would fit between my others, just making my hand wider. If it stuck out at an odd angle at the side I’d chunder everywhere.
Well that depends on precisely how much i would look like voldemort.
An extra finger would be usefull for "finger"-ing
I’d have the extra fingers. It’d make foreplay more interesting, at any rate…
No nose cause then I wouldn’t have to be able to smell people to know they were coming.

How did I know Boyfriend and The Only would make it sexual *unimpressed look* Lolrexicus the great gets a quarter of a point for the use of the word chunder :P Wewell gets half a point for the HP reference :)

11, Given your opinion on modern societies opinion on beauty?
As a woman, I think it’s wrong. But as a fatty, I want to be thiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.
my opinion on their opinion? i think they’re wrong, i believe that anyone who actually judges beauty on weight is an idiot, and that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. No one has any right to call anyone ugly, because they’re beautiful to somebody.
Beauty is skin deep xxx
I think that it is utter nonsense. I prefer natural women, not shrink-wrapped oranges.

Lolrexicus you are NOT fat -.- Wewell gets half a point for his rather profound answer :) as does The Only as ima natural women ^^ and so does The Welshican as that's my response to peoples opinion on beauty

12, Where do you see yourself in 20 years?
Writing blog posts about inverting robots and all the aliens with a penis in their armpit.
Supreme overlord of the universe!!!! either that or working in Dixons.
Leading my new world order
I see myself realistically as well past the peak of my physical prime and just getting used to my body failing as I take up a desk job at an engineering firm instead of doing the fieldwork. Unrealistically, you will all be benevolently governed by my totalitarian dictatorship which will seek to expand into space rather than exploit the Earth even more.
As a 17 year old, I see myself as a 37 year old.

The Only gets half a point cause I rather like his answer :) and The Welshican gets half a point too because his slightly sarcastic answer made me chuckle :P

13, Will it bother you that I am having 13 questions?
I’m not superstitious. There’s no writing on the wall. The ladder’s not falling. I’M NOT STEVIE WONDER.
Ahhh!! touch wood, touch wood, bad luck!!
I FUCKING HATE/LOVE YOU (Delete as appropriate)
No, it doesn’t bother me – thirteen is significant, but not unlucky.
This is the 15th question. The second one was 3 questions. Take that society.

Boyfriend gets half a point as I fucking hate/love him too :P ^^ Lolrexicus gets half a point to for making me have a little boggie :D I would give The Welshican half a point but the answers a bit of a smart arse answer so he doesn't get any :P

And the result are...
Ooooooo its close

Lolrexius the great- 2 1/4
Wewell- 2 1/2
Batman Jesus Chance- 2 1/2
The Only- 2 1/2
The Welshican- 2 1/4

Ahhh fudgecakes -.-
What am I ment to do now?
*ponders furiously*
We shall have a deciding question of destiny
*dramatic music*
And the winner shall get a point :)
And thus be the overall winner ^^
I shall sort that out before my next blog post
Untill next time reader ttfn
:) xxx