Monday 8 August 2011

Flavoured water :D

Hello my lovely reader :)
Here's a picture of giraffe :)

Just thought id show my appreciation of your reading-this-ness
I'm here to talk (well technically type but lets not be padantic) to you guys today about flavoured water
This topic came to me in a rant in one of my random tangent conversations in my flute lesson on Tuesday :)
Cause lets face it ima random most of the time :D
So now to make my eccentric rantings it into a readable written from
I just typed worm instead of form
Why would I be making a readable written worm?

Strange :/
Very strange indeed
What the fudge is the point of flavoured water?
If i wanted water I'd drink water but lets face it water is boring so I hardly ever do
But if i wanted favour id get a juice based liquid refreshment
Preferably with lots of caffeine :)
Like the way i didn't flavour a brand there :P
So what the hell is flavoured water doing?
Its all ooooo look at me i have flavour and water
Just no.
Its like the kid that tries so very hard to be cool even though he really not
Stop trying to have flavour when your just water
Just get over yourself and be water
You don't even taste good
Your the rola cola of the flavour world
You fail at flavour so give up trying and just be water.
I think my epic paint skills are needed again here

Ima paint genius :D
I deserve a medal :)
Hold on a minute :)

I am just too cool :)
And I think that's it
Ive got rid of my flavoured water related frustration
The little things anger me people
Like good damn people overtaking me and nearly causing an accident when I'm doing 55 in a 60 :@
And breathe :)
Well that takes us nicely to the end of this rather short but still cool blog post :)
Feel free to browse my past work
Look its over there ----->
TTFN <3 xxx